Thinking Fountain image (17k)

Cluster writing (11k)

Students as Designers Cluster

Students as Designers & Science
Motion Machine
Zoo Machines

Students as Designers & Language Arts
Constructions for   Children
Mirandy and Brother   Wind
Wheeling and Whirling   Around Book
Robot Zoo

Loose parts icon (8k) Students as Designers Cluster is based on an on-going project developed by Karen Thimmesch, a 4th grade teacher at the Museum Magnet School. Invention prototyping, materials exploration, creative writing, problem-solving, and group presentations are some of the steps in the Students as Designers process.
Cluster of students as designers images (37k)

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Gathered by topic
Mind maps (9k)
Connected together
A to Z button (9k)
Index of ideas

Science Learning Network / ©1997 Science Museum of Minnesota