Thinking Fountain image (17k)Thinking Fountain text (10k)


Fun in the sun:

We collected objects of different shapes and sizes and used them to make sun prints. Most of our objects blocked out the light, because they were opaque, and made terrific prints. - Kristin
What did that game (22k)
You'll need:
  • Sunprint® paper
  • objects (as many as you can find)
  • flat container of water
  • a sunny day

Step one (19k)
Sun number one (7k)
Place object on paper
until paper turns white

Step one (19k)
Sun number two (7k)
Soak in water
for a few minutes

Step one (19k)
Sun number three (7k)
Lay flat and
allow to dry

Sunprint gallery icon (17k)
Send us your prints.
We'll add them to our
Sun Print gallery.

That makes me think . . . (11k)
What would the prints look like if you used a flashlight instead of sunlight? Try making a print using a mystery object and have someone guess what it is. How is this similar to taking a picture?

Yellow dot (9k) Build your own light island

book cover (17k)

Yellow dot (9k) Shadowville

Yellow dot (9k) Decorate with color and light

Gathered by topic
Mind maps (9k)
Connected together
A to Z button (9k)
Index of ideas

Science Learning Network / ©1997 Science Museum of Minnesota