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New Ideas

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 07:20:21 -0500 (CDT)
From: Kathleen
Subject: an origami bird

I came to this site to look at the robot zoo.  I love the book,
and my boyfriend is a roboticist.  I thought about the unusual
ways these animals were created, and then thought of a way
in which I create animals. Origami! Origami challenges the
mind and the end result are beautiful models of animals,
and just about anything else you can think of.

I found this site while searching for origami and I got
a whole lot more than I expected! This site, by IBM has
mind puzzles, the most interesting fractal and kaleidoscope
images I've ever seen.  This is also the site for the
Electric Origami Shop.  There are lots of good links to
other pages of creative ideas.

On-line Origami

Jasper's Origami Menagerie
