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About TF

>This message is to once again commend the Science Museum of Minnesota,
>Natalie Rusk, and all of her web development team for the terrific Thinking
>Fountain. Since discovering it on a tip about Minnesota mosquitoes the
>other day, I have had a chance to browse through several times, and to have
>my son sniff around from our home computer as well. The subsequent looks
>have confirmed my first impression: This site is GOOD *fun*!
>I say GOOD, because unlike many other museum sites, it presents lots of
>educationally sound science content, not just fluff and self-serving
>propoganda. It's *fun* in that it gives surprises to the browser at just
>about every turn. Children (and older children like me) get a chance to let
>our curiosity run a little wild on this site. What appears as just cute
>names for hot buttons at first, really is a chance to lead the viewer down
>a comfortable lane for a bit, and then make an unexpected turn. The
>"discrepant events" in the site again and again challenge the viewer's
>ability to treat this site casually. Even my "too cool" 14 year old had to
>chuckle at some of the pages, and I found him spending a lot more time than
>I expected at the Fountain.
>The activities you present for parents, children, and teachers are
>excellent. They are well chosen for their quick execution for this
>instant-Internet audience, but are also open ended, to encourage further
>investigation. The reading suggestions are fun and attractive.
>In short, I have made your site "required browsing" for all of Bishop
>Museuum's web developers. I hope that you will see it as flattery if you
>see some of your techniques adopted in our pages. In the meantime, please
>keep up the good work, and good luck in getting support to expand this
>concept to support current and future IMAX films. As an educator whose
>theater will open in 1999, I look forward to being able to offer resources
>such as The Thinking Fountain as valuable complements to my programs.
>## Ken Miller       Vice President Public Programs
>Bishop Museum   (808) 848-4102 voice
>P.O. Box 19,000 (808) 848-7897 fax
>1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817
